The King’s Men (TKM) is the safest and most highly visible social cycling group in Melbourne, no wait Australia - no the WORLD. Actually, THE UNIVERSE!

TKM is a registered race team that started in 2007 from a small seed planted out on Beach Road and has turned into self-sustaining phenomenon.  The group is made up of bunch of individuals who don't quite fit into the ways of the everyday world, and generally, are socially challenged. But together, they have a common bond and purpose - TO RIDE TOGETHER , COMPETE & HAVE FUN.  

TKM revolves around a fierce but friendly internal rivalry, both on and off the black top, as well as being involved with racing of all types involving pedal power.  Go to any race and you're likely to spot someone from the green machine in attendance, whether it be at the pointy end of A grade or off the back end of D grade (although if the latter we tend to tease).  TKM is a tight knit group of buddies that takes the anger out of cycling and channels that energy through the pedals instead. TKM also helps out the less fortunate through its annual charity ride (Ride Different).



Golden Hills Brewery:

Norman Disney Young




Like the MCC, the waiting list is long, as the intent of the TKM train is to keep the carriages to a minimum, and therefore keep rides fast, fun and most importantly, SAFE.  Unlike most other group rides, TKM is proudly accountable for its actions. 

The King determines who can be considered for potential access to the Kingdom. Being able to ride fast is important but not the only criterion. Other factors include (but not limited to): turning up regularly to our rides, being at least slightly amusing, obeying the safety rules, getting to know The King/other kingsmen, having a unique personality but not being a dickhead.

Once The King nominates a random rider for consideration, a robust but transparent voting process occurs by TKM members to determine if the nominee is worthy of becoming a Kingsman.


Full Noize: (TKM official competitive ride & arguably the fastest and most notorious group ride on the planet).

Full details about Full Noize are outlined in the constitution; but few key things to note:

Tues & Thurs depart Café Racer (or whatever the St Kilda café is currently called) @ 6am sharp (ride may be cancelled if weather shite)

Comprises an easy pace in 2x2 formation to Mordialloc car park (hereafter known as Club Clinger) , issuing of instructions / ride brief by The King or his representative , followed by an all out painfest in rolling formations to St Kilda ( those who can’t roll need to sit on the back). NB the Mordi- St Kilda segment can sometimes average over 50 kph!!

Episodically there are variations to Full Noize  : (1) ‘Half mongrels’ – 2 x 2 medium intensity roll to Black Rock then smashfest to St Kilda & (2) Free days- TKM nominated rider choreographs a bit of nonsense

Non TKM riders (ie ‘randoms’) may have a go @ Full Noize but need to do so according to the following:

(1)       You don’t know any TKM riders just want to see what noize is all about: then stick to the back of the ride throughout (do not attempt to roll).

(2)       You know a TKM rider & want to see what noize is all about, then ride next to your TKM acquaintance on the way to Mordi but do not attempt to roll from Mordi back to St Kilda – instead stay on the back of the train.

(3)       You want to give Noize a red hot crack (eg attempt a roll or two… from Mordi to St Kilda)  , then you should have had done several Noizes (as per above) to know what’s required AND you must have been introduced /introduce yourself to the King (or his representative if absent) to seek his permission. 


TKM SAFETY RULES: If you ride with TKM you must adhere to the following:

·       There shall be no running of red lights.  

·       Riders are to hold their positions as they approach and take off from lights or any other obstacles preventing the peloton attaining full speed.  Those at the front have earned their position through hard work and should not be denied that position through someone deciding to move up while the peloton is under the influence of the lights.

·       Riders should avoid half rolling.  Should a rider decide to roll they should roll all the way to the front.  If a rider finds they are unable to make the front then it is up to other riders as to whether they allow that rider to cut in.  Otherwise the rolling rider should return to the back of the peloton.

·       No drafting of vehicles is allowed.

·       No Rider is to pass a moving or stationary vehicle at or soon after lights on either the left or right hand side; ie Riders must remain behind the line of traffic.

·       Riders must not attempt breakaways at the turning of lights.  Riders must move away from the lights at the same speed from the same resting speed.  Riders must not use the lights to their tactical advantage in relation to the final sprint.

·       Sprinting Riders overtaking have right of way.  Check over your shoulder before pulling out.

·       Anyone riding with TKM is accountable for their own actions and the safety of others.

Governance and awards

·       The King by the power vested in him by himself is principal decision maker.

·       Occasionally the King may liaise with the Hall of Fame to seek perspectives (HOF is the most sought after accolade in the entire Kingdom and awarded to those deserving of HOF status by order of current HOFs)

·       Key deliberations occur at the AGM

·       Seasonal awards nights are held to honour Full Noize GC and sprint winners (& where pertinent voting for potential new TKM members.


·       This website provides the core information about TKM.

·       Updates about TKM occur primarily via our facebook page

·       Want to know more about TKM? Contact The King:

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